Take care of your money and always AVOID the following:
Send money for the purpose of claiming lottery prizes or other types of rewards with the promise of receiving money.
Send money to guarantee a loan, debit or credit card.
Send money in response to offers made over the internet or the phone, especially when you are not sure of their credibility.
Send money to a person you don’t know or whose identity you cannot verify.
Send money to a person (particularly outside the country) who claims to be a relative who needs money for an emergency.
What should you do if you are in any of the above situations?
Access your account and cancel your transfer immediately or ask a representative to cancel your transaction.
If your money has not been withdrawn or cashed, we will process the money back.
Once the money is collected, which can happen in a short time, you will not be able to receive a refund even if your money has been stolen due to fraud.